Introduction and overview: how does dmCalls work?
dmClub presents dmCalls - a service that will make using the telephone even simpler and more cost effective. dmCalls is the future of telephone calls and incorporates such cutting edge features as Voice Activated Dialling. Yet it is still extremely easy to use.
Just take a few minutes to read our getting started section and you will be able to set up your online address book and start making calls using the dmCalls Voice Activated Dialler (VAD). Also covered in the getting started section is how to enable PIN free dialling for even quicker and easier access to dmCalls.
To find out about the range of dmCalls access options including our unique direct redial and direct speed dial 0800 access numbers you can then go on to the access note. You can read more details on dialling, including both VAD and touch tone in note 2121.
In our 'online itemised calls' section you can find out how to view details of any calls you have made including the cost, destination and duration of the call .A range of other useful information and advice is included throughout the other notes in this dmCalls volume.
We are sure that you will find dmCalls to be a unique and useful service.