SB12 Click2Call
How to Use It
If your WebPhone is running, you can trigger it to place a call by browsing to<The number you wish to call>
The number must be in the format that you would dial it from the webphone
For example:
Examples of use
A CRM system or Address Book could typically make use of this to enable quick calling of your contacts.
This could apply both to native applications and hosted web applications.
Another technique that might be useful is as a spreadsheet based calling list. If you have a list of calls to make (eg. in a sales situation), you can create a hyperlink
- Excel's HYPERLINK function - eg. =HYPERLINK(""&B1,"Call "&A1)
See also the inbound screen-popping facility - if that pops a wiki page, you might choose to put a Click2Call link on that page so that you could easily return the call
- <a href="" target="c2c">Call dmClub</a>
Security Considerations
The mechanism works by a page sourced from the dmClub website (where the WebPhone is based) communicating with a frame in the WebPhone window.
Any native application running on your PC could, if its creators wished, trigger a call in a similar way - or by sending simulated user input to the appropriate browser window. Browser security prevents web apps from other sites being able to perform this communication directly.
NB - If your WebPhone is not running, then the facility is unable to work. It is generally a wise thing to close the WebPhone (and Clubhouse) window when you know you have no need to make or receive calls (eg. at night time)
Related Notes
Screen Popping - Switchboards can be configured to "pop" web pages relevant to an incoming call. This might be a page in a CRM system, a Wiki page or just a website that you may need to refer to when answering calls. See here for more