Getting started with dmAnswers14
dmAnswers14 is an interesting combination of sophisticated automated telephony, VOIP, smart phone apps, and human Virtual Assistants, all trying hard to work in harmony to help the customer. Please follow our suggestions so that you can learn how to harness the technology in a reliable and efficient manner!
What we suggest
#1122 dmAnswers14: Setting up dmAnswers14 on dmConnect12 a good way to start learning about and practising using dmAnswers14
Once you have done this, then set up your dmConsole on your smartphone if you have one, it's great for controlling your availability and general settings when you are on the move.
1129dmAnswers14: Installing dmConsole on Android for installing the console on Android kit
#1123 dmAnswers14: Installing dmConsole on iPhone/iPad for installing the console on IOS kit
Then you should personalise your call handling by setting your preferences.
#1124 dmAnswers14: Setting your preferences on dmConsole to get setup to have your calls
Roadmap and editors notes
RGD thu08may14: we should add some more ideas here on how to help customers getting started.
Customers: please contact support with suggestions on how we can help you to get started more easily.