ProTime Designing your Call Flow
We will work out the way that you calls should flow to fit your businesses needs. We will recommend products and services (not limited to dmClub products) to do this, and give some estimates on costs. There may be discussion on costs/benefits on how one should handle calls from the business perspective.
a) Your callers
Please think about your top 5 callers, by value or quantity:
I have
New Business: 1-2 new business customers calling me each month. I normally hope to close 50% of them, and they are worth £1000's, so it is important to give a good impression and give them the "red carpet" treatment.
Nuisance calls: We get about 2 nuisance calls per day, they are usually trying to get hold of the "office manager" to sell them something. These calls just burn our up our time, we are not interested in them.
b) The experience you would like to give your 5 callers when you are available
I would like New Business callers be put through to be Mon-Fri 08:00 to 20:00, with a whisper on my mobile that this is new business.
c) The experience you would like to give your 5 callers when you are not available
I would like New Business Callers to be answered in my company name, with our motto, and have their details taken and expectations that I will return their call within 1 working hour.
I will get an SMS and will return their call within 10 minutes of extended working hours.