Agent Handling Mode: choosing the best answering option for you
Our agents can handle calls in different ways, focusing either on speed (saving you money), quality of message (saving you time) or a good mixture of both. What varies is the level of information verification that the agent does when taking the details of the call, and how much (if any) information they type for you.
There are three options:
This is where the agent does not input any caller details or message. Instead, the customer relies on the call recording that we attach to the notification email.
Because the agent does not need to type, this is the quickest (and therefore cheapest) way to answer calls, with most calls being around 30 seconds.
This is where the agent inputs the details as they hear them, without verifying or clarifying. Again the customer can verify the details by listening to the call recording (this is the default mode).
This is a good mix between money-saving and time-saving for the customer, and averages 45-60 seconds per call.
This is where the agent will input the details and verify/clarify them (spelling etc). The customer should not need to listen to the recording (but may chose to, to maybe get more subtle details of the call such as tone of voice).
This is the most time-saving mode of answering for the customer, as the agent will ensure that the information in the message is full and correct. Calls average 75-90 seconds.
Which agent handling mode is best for me?
Ask yourself:
"What is more important to me and my business?"
- Money-saving
- Time-saving
- Both
If the answer is money-saving, try express mode
The benefits of shorter call lengths saving you money should outweigh the time spent listening to the call recordings.
If the answer is time-saving, try deluxe mode
The benefits of having all the information you need in the message/sms notification outweighs the higher cost for answering.
If the answer is "both of course!", try standard mode
You may find this to be a good mixture, keeping costs as low as possible, without the need to spend time listening to every call yourself.
If you change your mind, no problem!
You can change your desired Agent Handling Mode within seconds at any time, using the dmConsole.
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