Change my voice or fax general settings
This page gives instructions for changing your general dmVoice or dmFax settings.
Change your dmVoice voicemail to email settings
Your dmVoice account allows you to receive voicemails as MP3 attachments by email. To set the email address where you wish to receive these messages, follow these steps:
1 Log in to your Clubhouse
2 Click on the icon for the dmVoice number you wish to modify
3 A new window will open, showing the Control Panel for that number. Click on the Gateway tab.
4 Enter the email address you require in the box named 'Email address'
5 Click 'Save'
6 All done!
Change your fax to email receiving address
dmFax numbers allow you to receive faxes as email attachments. To set the email address for receiving a fax as an email attachment, follow these steps:
1 Log in to your Clubhouse
2 Click on the icon for the dmFax number you wish to modify
3 A new window will open, showing the Control Panel for that number. Click on the Gateway tab.
4 Enter the email address you require in the box named 'Email address'
5 Click 'Save'
6 All done!
Change your dmVoice or dmFax control PIN
If you want to control your dmVoice or dmFax number over the phone, you'll need to set an access PIN. Follow these instructions to set your PIN:
1 Log in to your Clubhouse
2 Click on the icon for the dmVoice or dmFax number where you want to set the PIN. A new window will open, showing the Control Panel for that number.
3 Click on the 'General' tab. Then type the new PIN in the space provided and click 'Set PIN.'
Please note: This will NOT update the PIN for your dmClub Login ID.