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AI have paid some money into my account but it does not show up properly in my clubhouse
Fill in your contact details, and tell us about the payment.
BTry to find the payment in your account records
In the "Account credit ..." section at the top right-hand corner of your clubhouse, click "this year".
Can you see your payment listed?
CONTACTPlease provide as many additional details as you can
The more information you can provide, the more likely we can help. See below for good and bad examples of how to report problems.
Good and bad examples of problem descriptions
Bad example
My money's missing.
Good example
I made a payment of £33.50 on 23rd March, paying by Paypal.
Paypal sent me a receipt ( Paypal transaction ID: 6RD13156GW5704452 ) indicating that the transaction was successful, but the funds aren’t appearing in my clubhouse balance. I think there’s been a glitch. Please help.