Video : How to use dmConnect12 in Medium mode
Background to help you understand this video note
#1059 "dmConnect12: Getting started (Journey)" the basic introduction to the dmConnect12, including some theory, a general tour, and helping the first time user choose which mode they want to use it in.
#1060 "dmConnect12: Setting up your dmConnect12 in Basic Mode (Journey)" how to setup dmConnect12 in the basic mode, with some basic theory.
Some notes on how to setup some features that this medium mode has
#1084 "setting up Zoiper App with dmClub Products journey" the Zoiper VOIP app runs on Android and IOS phones, and is very easy to setup
#1091 "setting up dmWebPhone with dmClub Products journey" the dmWebPhone VOIP application can run from your browser on windows os computers. It is very easy to setup.
#1094 "making outbound phone calls with dmClub Products journey" If you would like to make outbound phone calls from you PSTN phone using your dmConnect12 or dmSwitchboard12 product.Where you can go next to get more out of your dmConnect12
#1122 using dmAnswers14 with dmConnect12
#1062 "setting up your dmConnect12 in Advanced Mode journey" to get more sophisticated features
Some other products that you can get to work with dmConnect12, or upgrade to
#1098 "upgrading from dmConnect12 to dmSwitchboard12"
Frequently Asked Questions